30 October 2010

h a l l o w e e n . . .

I l o v e Halloween.    It's the most mystical time of the year.    The harvest is in,  and now it's time for a last round of celebration before the days soon turn into icy,  frozen memories of joy found.

These are the days of balance between light and energy;   how a fall afternoon can feel just like a beautiful day in early May.

With glorious,  fleeting moments of a warm morning before the snows come to stay.

There is balance.

H A L L o w e e n was always a very festive time as a child.    My hometown's weather had made the final turn into the last days of fall's glory.    Soft breezes,  whipped up with the gentle winds,


fallen leaves as they swirled around on the moist,  damp,  ground.   Dreams of flight among the fallen leaves.    A street lamp.    A bend in the road.      I can still see witches flying on their broomsticks across a black sky,

silhouetted by a white harvest moon.    And in my dreams,  I am right next to them.

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