In the house made of dawn ~ In the story made of dawn ~ On the trail of dawn ~ With beauty before him, with beauty before me ~ With beauty behind him, ~ with beauty behind me With beauty around him, with beauty around ~ It is finished in beauty ~ It is finished in beauty ~ In the house of evening light ~ from the story made of evening light ~ On the trail of evening light

20 December 2010
30 November 2010
Black Elk was an Oglala Sioux holy man from the Dakotas born in the late 1800's. His visions and wisdom have become prophesy.
I was four years old then, and I think it must have been the next summer that I first heard the voices. It was a happy summer and nothing was afraid, because in the Moon When the Ponies Shed (May) word came from the Wasichus [the White Men] that there would be peace and that they would not use the road any more and that all the soldiers would go away. The soldiers did go away and their towns were torn down; and in the Moon of Falling Leaves (November), they made a treaty with Red Cloud that said our country would be ours as long as grass should grow and water flow. You can see that it is not the grass and the water that have forgotten.
24 November 2010
to you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving!
Linus van Pelt:
What are you going to do on Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown:
My mother and Dad, and Sally and I are all going to my grandmother's for dinner.
Sally Brown:
Why don't you come along, Linus? We can hold hands under the table.
Linus van Pelt:
Chris Turk:
You know, I love how kids of divorce really have the market cornered on family dysfunction. But let me share with you a typical Thanksgiving at the Turk household: It starts with my mother yelling at my sister for yelling at my grandmother who's yelling at the television screen, which happens to be the microwave.
And then my militant brother Jabari - formerly Bob - gives my father attitude for using the word black, even though he's referring to the turkey. Which, by the way, only got burnt because instead of turning the oven off, my bi-polar aunt Leslie tried to shove her head in it. But you know what we do? We kiss... and we hug... and we apologize for all the things we said.. . 'Cause a month later, we gonna get together and do it again at Christmas!
Edith Bunker:
I ain't been so proud of you since Uncle Willie cut his finger carving the Thanksgiving turkey and you stopped the bleeding by tying it up with the string they used to tie up the turkey's you-know-what with.
Archie Bunker:
How can you do that all in one breath?
22 November 2010
B U L L....the pitbull
BULL sayin' Mama
Aww. Here's a video of a rescued pitbull named Bull saying, "mama." Bull is the very blessed doggie of a wonderful lady from BON's B.A.A.C. fan page. She got Bull from a gangster who was ready to murder Bull 'cause he wouldn't fight another pitbull who was pregnant and he lost the fight, in spite of the fact that the mom-to-be gave Bull a few scars, anyway.
This video clip is only the second time he said mama, and I guess he's doing it a lot better now!
This very special lady says that he's her boy. At first after she rescued him, Bull wouldn't let her touch him and she had to keep him tied up. But through undeniable love and wonderful care, Bull came around and is now her big baby! "Hes my boy!" We know how much our animals love us unconditionally. All they want is to be loved back and treated with respect and with dignity that they so unconditionally deserve.
Look at those eyes. You can see the betrayal, and the hurt, and the pain; and yet you can also see the love shinin' through. You can see that Bull is beginning to trust again. I bet those eyes will look totally different as the years pass; eventually, you won't even be able to see the pain 'cause that's what love does. It heals all wounds.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Aww. Here's a video of a rescued pitbull named Bull saying, "mama." Bull is the very blessed doggie of a wonderful lady from BON's B.A.A.C. fan page. She got Bull from a gangster who was ready to murder Bull 'cause he wouldn't fight another pitbull who was pregnant and he lost the fight, in spite of the fact that the mom-to-be gave Bull a few scars, anyway.
This video clip is only the second time he said mama, and I guess he's doing it a lot better now!
This very special lady says that he's her boy. At first after she rescued him, Bull wouldn't let her touch him and she had to keep him tied up. But through undeniable love and wonderful care, Bull came around and is now her big baby! "Hes my boy!" We know how much our animals love us unconditionally. All they want is to be loved back and treated with respect and with dignity that they so unconditionally deserve.
Look at those eyes. You can see the betrayal, and the hurt, and the pain; and yet you can also see the love shinin' through. You can see that Bull is beginning to trust again. I bet those eyes will look totally different as the years pass; eventually, you won't even be able to see the pain 'cause that's what love does. It heals all wounds.
11 November 2010
o u r h e r o s
Today - yes, another beautiful day. And I am sitting here enjoying it in safety and with peace. With the security in knowing that I will still be here tomorrow living in safety and with peace. And with hope.
Today is Veterans Day. Veterans wherever you may be, I hope that you are also living in safety and with peace. I thank you, for without your protection, I would probably not be living in safety, nor with peace.
Today here in Minnesota, the Fort Snelling Memorial Rifle Squad laid to rest another veteran with full military honors. The final salute.
For over 30 dedicated years, this voluntary rifle squad has never left a comrade behind. This squad has said over 57,000 good-byes to our nation’s veterans. Each week of the year for over 30 years. They come from different times, and from different wars.
They have shared the special distinction and humbling experience of burying one of the Marines who helped plant the American flag at Iwo Jima.
The founder was only 17 years old when he dropped out of high school to join the Marines during World War II. He noted the goodbyes are especially poignant for the older veterans, who have little to virtually no mourners because they have all gone before him.
In sun, rain, snow, and ice they have been there. And they will continue to be there.
One member recalled that one day, he overheard a young boy's answer in response to a statement that the men in the squad were also the men who had protected our country. The child replied, “Those old guys?”
08 November 2010
s a n d man
I hereby volunteer to be James Hetfield's official group...I mean, #1 fan. He's a Leo. Just look at that mane! And he's a chopper man.
06 November 2010
a n i m a l l o v e
b i k e r s * a g a i n s t * a n i m a l *
c r u e l t y (b a a c)
I am a new member of BON’s, Bikers Against Animal Cruelty (BAAC) Fan Page. I was lucky to have grown up with many beloved pets in all different shapes and sizes. I’ve had irreplaceable cat and dog friends, fish, gerbils, and even a Nubian goat once named Butterfly. I’ve taken care of my daughter’s lizards. My last fish was a male betta I named Ozzy. He lived for almost three years in his little bowl.
I’ve tenderly cared for baby rabbits, and injured birds. I’ve experienced the great sadness of having to put a beloved pet to sleep. I drive carefully in areas where animals might be out - even those annoying squirrels darting back-and-forth across the roads (they know you’re there!!!!)
Just a few of the great qualities you can learn from caring for pets, include humility, gratitude, unconditional love, compassion, selflessness, and even responsibility.
The never-ending healing powers of animal love. Companions to so many. Animals also bring people together in positive ways. Who doesn’t love a baby animal? Even nations can share animal friendships, such as China’s Panda bears and the many wildlife sanctuaries around the world.
This is Elsa, the Kenyan lion from the true story, Born Free
c r u e l t y (b a a c)
I am a new member of BON’s, Bikers Against Animal Cruelty (BAAC) Fan Page. I was lucky to have grown up with many beloved pets in all different shapes and sizes. I’ve had irreplaceable cat and dog friends, fish, gerbils, and even a Nubian goat once named Butterfly. I’ve taken care of my daughter’s lizards. My last fish was a male betta I named Ozzy. He lived for almost three years in his little bowl.
I’ve tenderly cared for baby rabbits, and injured birds. I’ve experienced the great sadness of having to put a beloved pet to sleep. I drive carefully in areas where animals might be out - even those annoying squirrels darting back-and-forth across the roads (they know you’re there!!!!)
Just a few of the great qualities you can learn from caring for pets, include humility, gratitude, unconditional love, compassion, selflessness, and even responsibility.
The never-ending healing powers of animal love. Companions to so many. Animals also bring people together in positive ways. Who doesn’t love a baby animal? Even nations can share animal friendships, such as China’s Panda bears and the many wildlife sanctuaries around the world.
* * * * * * * * * *
This is Elsa, the Kenyan lion from the true story, Born Free
05 November 2010
w i t n e s s
o n a l t r u i s m a n d t r u e l o v e . . .
A retired couple from Canada who won a lottery of $11.3 million dollars in July, has already given most of it away. Mrs. Large was undergoing treatment for cancer when they first learned of the win.
Her tearful spouse said, " . . . that money that we won was nothing. We have each other."
"It made us feel good . . .there's so much good being done with that money. . . Money can't buy you health or happiness."
A retired couple from Canada who won a lottery of $11.3 million dollars in July, has already given most of it away. Mrs. Large was undergoing treatment for cancer when they first learned of the win.
Her tearful spouse said, " . . . that money that we won was nothing. We have each other."
"It made us feel good . . .there's so much good being done with that money. . . Money can't buy you health or happiness."
04 November 2010
When You Buy Local you are supporting a self-sustaining community, where real-life progress can be seen daily. It is an essential key to long-term good health and quality of living. This is the place where a community's caring and character will be shining through.
Live Within The Year - in other words, do not expect to buy succulent fresh peaches, and other summer fruits, in the middle of February. Apples for summer and fall. Squashes, nuts for late fall and into winter. A specially-cured ham for upcoming holidays. Fresh meat purchased from local farms. Pheasant now that it's fall; warm and toasty hot-chocolate, cider, tea, strong coffee.
There are many private donors who are honored to donate their money, whether it be a small amount, or a small fortune, in helping people directly. For preventable illness due to living conditions; for response to and help with unnecessary suffering. Remember in just recent times of great distress, how many Americans on their own, opened and shared their time and resources, including financial, to help those most in need during several catastropic natural disasters.
It so happens that a wonderful spirit gift awaits those who travel into the night far away at the end of a peaceful, tranquil, sleep.
When You Buy Local you are supporting a self-sustaining community, where real-life progress can be seen daily. It is an essential key to long-term good health and quality of living. This is the place where a community's caring and character will be shining through.
Live Within The Year - in other words, do not expect to buy succulent fresh peaches, and other summer fruits, in the middle of February. Apples for summer and fall. Squashes, nuts for late fall and into winter. A specially-cured ham for upcoming holidays. Fresh meat purchased from local farms. Pheasant now that it's fall; warm and toasty hot-chocolate, cider, tea, strong coffee.
There are many private donors who are honored to donate their money, whether it be a small amount, or a small fortune, in helping people directly. For preventable illness due to living conditions; for response to and help with unnecessary suffering. Remember in just recent times of great distress, how many Americans on their own, opened and shared their time and resources, including financial, to help those most in need during several catastropic natural disasters.
It so happens that a wonderful spirit gift awaits those who travel into the night far away at the end of a peaceful, tranquil, sleep.
02 November 2010
t h e r e s c u e
It is not a cliché for me when I tell you that I love a man in a uniform.
There is just something s o s e x y about that! (Alright guys, get your military uniforms out.) Especially if he has beautiful eyes. Sigh.
Is that considered a fetish?!?. It must go back to the days of Deputy Barnie Fife and Sheriff Griffith on Mayberry Street in the 1960’s; or? . . .
. . . whoever played Officer-With-The-Blonde-Hair on the hit 60's show, Adam-12. In fact, this was the first man I fell madly in love with. Madly.
It is not a cliché for me when I tell you that I love a man in a uniform.
There is just something s o s e x y about that! (Alright guys, get your military uniforms out.) Especially if he has beautiful eyes. Sigh.
Is that considered a fetish?!?. It must go back to the days of Deputy Barnie Fife and Sheriff Griffith on Mayberry Street in the 1960’s; or? . . .
. . . whoever played Officer-With-The-Blonde-Hair on the hit 60's show, Adam-12. In fact, this was the first man I fell madly in love with. Madly.
A beautiful little girl with golden hair and a fair face. I would just blush like crazy when that show came on. Sitting on the floor looking up at my knight in shining armor.
Wait, I was only 7 years old!
Wait, I was only 7 years old!
31 October 2010
She's faced the hardest times you could imagine
And many times, her eyes fought back the tears
And when her youthful world was about to fall in
Each time her slender shoulders bore the weight of all her fears
And a sorrow no one hears
Still rings in midnight silence in her ears
Let her cry, for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's a child
Let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower growing wild
And if by chance I should hold her
Let me hold her for a time
But if allowed just one possession
I would pick her from the garden to be mine
Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm
Be careful how you touch her, for she'll awaken
And sleep's the only freedom that she knows
And when you walk into her eyes, you won't believe
The way she's always payin' for a debt she never owes
And a silent wind still blows
That only she can hear, and so she goes
Let her cry, for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's a child
Let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower growing wild
Let her cry, for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's a child
Let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower growing wild
She's a flower growing wild
She's free
30 October 2010
h a l l o w e e n . . .
I l o v e Halloween. It's the most mystical time of the year. The harvest is in, and now it's time for a last round of celebration before the days soon turn into icy, frozen memories of joy found.
These are the days of balance between light and energy; how a fall afternoon can feel just like a beautiful day in early May.
With glorious, fleeting moments of a warm morning before the snows come to stay.
There is balance.
H A L L o w e e n was always a very festive time as a child. My hometown's weather had made the final turn into the last days of fall's glory. Soft breezes, whipped up with the gentle winds,
fallen leaves as they swirled around on the moist, damp, ground. Dreams of flight among the fallen leaves. A street lamp. A bend in the road. I can still see witches flying on their broomsticks across a black sky,
silhouetted by a white harvest moon. And in my dreams, I am right next to them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
18th c e n t u r y p o e t r y
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I would like to share with you some of my favorite passages~
Speak to us of Love___________________________
When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep.
. . . Love gives naught but itself
and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.
When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart,"
but rather,
I am in the heart of God."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
But if you love. . . let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly
and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving . . .
p o e t r y
Speak to us of Pleasure
Pleasure is a freedom song,
But it is not freedom.
It is the blossoming of your desires,
It is a depth calling unto a height,
But it is not the deep nor the high.
It is the caged taking wing,
And your body is the harp of your soul,
And it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it or confused sounds.
And now you ask in your heart, "How shall we distinguish that which is good in pleasure
from that which is not good?"
Go to your fields and your gardens, and you shall learn
that it is the pleasure of the bee to gather honey of the flower,
But it is also the pleasure of the flower to yield its honey to the bee.
For to the bee a flower is a fountain of life,
And to the flower a bee is a messenger of love,
And to both, bee and flower, the giving and the receiving of pleasure
is a need and an ecstasy.
Pleasure is a freedom song,
But it is not freedom.
It is the blossoming of your desires,
It is a depth calling unto a height,
But it is not the deep nor the high.
It is the caged taking wing,
And your body is the harp of your soul,
And it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it or confused sounds.
And now you ask in your heart, "How shall we distinguish that which is good in pleasure
from that which is not good?"
Go to your fields and your gardens, and you shall learn
that it is the pleasure of the bee to gather honey of the flower,
But it is also the pleasure of the flower to yield its honey to the bee.
For to the bee a flower is a fountain of life,
And to the flower a bee is a messenger of love,
And to both, bee and flower, the giving and the receiving of pleasure
is a need and an ecstasy.
p o e t r y
Speak to us of Children
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
28 October 2010
Summer of 1999 - Ocean City, MD. There visiting with my sister Barbara, whom I have spoke about here before. On a little mini holiday within my own holiday visiting from Minnesota.
So there we were on the Boardwalk strolling along. We soon learned that it was the annual firefighter's convention week. You know, a little like Bike Week, but um, without the bike. Annual Firefighter's Week? It was also Friday night.
As we walked along on the Boardwalk, we discovered a little shop among dozens of little shops. Or, maybe it is more accurate to say that the shop discovered us. For as we walked by, the shopkeeper came outside and immediately scooped us up before we could even protest.
Into the little shop, which had Harley dresses for sale, among other various important items of merchandise. At the time I was married and had not worn a little dress for quite a long time! They were soooo cute! A couple of the dresses already had garters built in; sexy black, ooh la la.
I could just see myself flirting with the boys in one of these gorgeous garments in the event that a perfect stranger would happen to walk through the door right then and buy a little sexy dress for me. Which didn't happen.
What did happen was the shopkeeper was ex cited!!!!! He was pumped! Goodness! As soon as a few little dresses had been thrust into our arms, we were given the command (yes!) to try each of the dresses on, and then come out and model them for said shopkeeper. Being the adventurous spirits that we were, we followed the shopkeeper out the back door and into a common shared space for the businesses.
We were practically pushed into the girl's bathroom with another firm admonition to come out and model the dresses as s o o n as they were on. Well, I know we got through at least a couple of sets while we oohed and awed at one another's choices, much to the shopkeeper's delight. But then something happened.
Earlier I had noticed a slight odor when we had first walked into the bathroom, but then forgot about it. As we began to slip into the next batch of dresses, I realized something wasn't right. I was noticing that something appeared to be wrong with the hem on Barbara’s dress as she started pulling it up. At first I was baffled as to what the heck was wrong with the dress hem as I stared at the black dress silhouetted against the black floor. But as the dress came up, I shouted, ‘OMG!! Barbara - there’s bleach on that dress!!!’
Sure enough - the odor I had originally detected in the beginning, was the smell of bleach from a floor that had just been mopped. An older building with its original flooring pitted in spots - enough to collect water. Or should I say, apparently enough to collect bleached water!
We were horrified. Not only was it clear the dress had been completely ruined, but I'm pretty sure it was the most expensive item that Barbara had selected. The dress price was around $150.00 and that was 11 years ago.
The shopkeeper sure wasn’t amused as we gingerly tried to explain what had happened. He definetly lost his sense of humor. We were just casually strolling along on the Boardwalk . . .
* * * * * *
23 October 2010
Billy-Ray was a preacher's son
And when his daddy would visit he'd come along
When they gathered round and started talkin'
That's when Billy would take me walkin'
A-through the back yard we'd go walkin'
Then he'd look into my eyes
Lord knows to my surprise
The only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man
The only boy who could ever teach me
Was the son of a preacher man
Yes he was, he was, mmm, yes he was
Being good isn't always easy
No matter how hard I try
When he started sweet-talkin' to me
He'd come and tell me everything is all right
He'd kiss and tell me everything is all right
Can I get away again tonight?
The only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man
The only boy who could ever teach me
Was the son of a preacher man
Yes he was, he was, Lord knows he was
How well I remember
The look that was in his eyes
Stealin' kisses from me on the sly
Takin' time to make time
Tellin' me that he's all mine
Learnin' from each other's knowing
Lookin' to see how much we've grown
And the only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man
The only boy who could ever teach me
Was the son of a preacher man
Yes he was, he was, oh, yes he was
He was the sweet-talking son of a preacher man
I guessed he was the son of a preacher man
Sweet-lovin' son of a preacher man
Ahh, move me
Billy-Ray was a preacher's son
And when his daddy would visit he'd come along
When they gathered round and started talkin'
That's when Billy would take me walkin'
A-through the back yard we'd go walkin'
Then he'd look into my eyes
Lord knows to my surprise
The only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man
The only boy who could ever teach me
Was the son of a preacher man
Yes he was, he was, mmm, yes he was
Being good isn't always easy
No matter how hard I try
When he started sweet-talkin' to me
He'd come and tell me everything is all right
He'd kiss and tell me everything is all right
Can I get away again tonight?
The only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man
The only boy who could ever teach me
Was the son of a preacher man
Yes he was, he was, Lord knows he was
How well I remember
The look that was in his eyes
Stealin' kisses from me on the sly
Takin' time to make time
Tellin' me that he's all mine
Learnin' from each other's knowing
Lookin' to see how much we've grown
And the only one who could ever reach me
Was the son of a preacher man
The only boy who could ever teach me
Was the son of a preacher man
Yes he was, he was, oh, yes he was
He was the sweet-talking son of a preacher man
I guessed he was the son of a preacher man
Sweet-lovin' son of a preacher man
Ahh, move me
21 October 2010
You have a wild, fierce, and strong animal-like nature behind your lovemaking and that makes you very passionate. When you find the "one" you can give your whole heart to, you give that and then some! It's true that most people say there's no love behind that much fire, but that's quite the opposite. You love who you're with and have no problem slamming them down on the sheets and showing them the time of their life! For this, your lover will respond back with the same animal nature and that will show you how much they love you back! For you, it's rough all the way and always very heated and intense!!!
Damn Sexy
Damn girl, you know how to turn heads and get guys.
OPEN YOUR HEART TO LOVE... and it will come searching for you :). You are going to live a life full of joy and happiness, and for some time, you will be high on the ecstasy of it all. But remember to not get confused with a fantasy - and reality. Sometimes love isn't always forever.
You love the spring and flowers, but hate the winter and the dark.
You are sweet and you just melt when you see someone hurt or crying! And when someone is going out with you, or you're their best friend, they never want to let you go!!
Congratulations! You are a visionary, a first cause, a mover of mankind. You live to follow your passions and forge your own way. Inspired to create and pioneer, you experience the greater joys in life. You inspire confidence in others. When you are struck by a good idea, you hold onto it at all costs.
You have a wild, fierce, and strong animal-like nature behind your lovemaking and that makes you very passionate. When you find the "one" you can give your whole heart to, you give that and then some! It's true that most people say there's no love behind that much fire, but that's quite the opposite. You love who you're with and have no problem slamming them down on the sheets and showing them the time of their life! For this, your lover will respond back with the same animal nature and that will show you how much they love you back! For you, it's rough all the way and always very heated and intense!!!
Damn Sexy
Damn girl, you know how to turn heads and get guys.
OPEN YOUR HEART TO LOVE... and it will come searching for you :). You are going to live a life full of joy and happiness, and for some time, you will be high on the ecstasy of it all. But remember to not get confused with a fantasy - and reality. Sometimes love isn't always forever.
You love the spring and flowers, but hate the winter and the dark.
You are sweet and you just melt when you see someone hurt or crying! And when someone is going out with you, or you're their best friend, they never want to let you go!!
Congratulations! You are a visionary, a first cause, a mover of mankind. You live to follow your passions and forge your own way. Inspired to create and pioneer, you experience the greater joys in life. You inspire confidence in others. When you are struck by a good idea, you hold onto it at all costs.
* * * * * *
19 October 2010
10 October 2010
My beloved WILD and very crazy older sister passed away last year. You Would Have LOVED Her!!!! She was quite the Wild Child from the 60's, and extremely talented musically, artistically, and intellectually. Everyone loved her.
One of the many wonderful things about my sister, was her ongoing observance of life’s ironies - and how funny it really was. She made so many people laugh. And I mean without being able to stop. Tears running down the face...
She did it all. And saw it all.
She was loved by many. And touched so many hearts.
Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul, and Mary, was a 60's folk song that I would beg her to play on her guitar and sing for me when I was a little girl. She was a wonderful person, and I loved her very much.
A few days after my sister’s funeral, I had been doing some cleaning in the kitchen and had left the sink full of bubbly water. I went into my living room to look for something and was out of the kitchen for less-than 5 minutes.
When I returned, I happened to look at the sink full of bubbly water,
and there, among the bubbles,
was this perfect Heart drawn just for me.
My beloved WILD and very crazy older sister passed away last year. You Would Have LOVED Her!!!! She was quite the Wild Child from the 60's, and extremely talented musically, artistically, and intellectually. Everyone loved her.
One of the many wonderful things about my sister, was her ongoing observance of life’s ironies - and how funny it really was. She made so many people laugh. And I mean without being able to stop. Tears running down the face...
She did it all. And saw it all.
She was loved by many. And touched so many hearts.
Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul, and Mary, was a 60's folk song that I would beg her to play on her guitar and sing for me when I was a little girl. She was a wonderful person, and I loved her very much.
A few days after my sister’s funeral, I had been doing some cleaning in the kitchen and had left the sink full of bubbly water. I went into my living room to look for something and was out of the kitchen for less-than 5 minutes.
When I returned, I happened to look at the sink full of bubbly water,
and there, among the bubbles,
was this perfect Heart drawn just for me.
* * * * * * * * * *
J U S T * A * B I K E R
Dear Friends,
Today I found the following essay on a new Biker friend's bio. He would like it to be shared, so please pass this message on . . .
I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday,
I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall,
I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant when you saw my bike parked out front. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise money for the hurricane relief,
I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I rode by. But you didn't see me riding behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window,
I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless,
I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.
I saw you roll your eyes at our leather jackets and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old ones to those that had none,
I saw you look in fright at my tattoos. But you didn't see me cry as my children were born or have their name written over and in my heart,
I saw you change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere. But you didn't see me going home to be with my family,
I saw you complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be. But you didn't see me when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane,
I saw you yelling at your kids in the car. But you didn't see me pat my child's hand knowing she was safe behind me,
I saw you reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But you didn't see me squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn,
I saw you race down the road in the rain. But you didn't see me get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date,
I saw you run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time. But you didn't see me trying to turn right,
I saw you cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in, but you didn't see me leave the road. I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass. But you didn't see me.
I wasn't there . . .
I saw you go home to your family. But you didn't see me. Because I died that day you cut me off.
* * * * * *
I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family. But you didn't see me.
Today I found the following essay on a new Biker friend's bio. He would like it to be shared, so please pass this message on . . .
I saw you hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But you didn't see me put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday,
I saw you pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But you didn't see me playing Santa at the local mall,
I saw you change your mind about going into the restaurant when you saw my bike parked out front. But you didn't see me attending a meeting to raise money for the hurricane relief,
I saw you roll up your window and shake your head when I rode by. But you didn't see me riding behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window,
I saw you frown at me when I smiled at your children. But you didn't see me when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless,
I saw you stare at my long hair. But you didn't see me and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love.
I saw you roll your eyes at our leather jackets and gloves. But you didn't see me and my brothers donate our old ones to those that had none,
I saw you look in fright at my tattoos. But you didn't see me cry as my children were born or have their name written over and in my heart,
I saw you change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere. But you didn't see me going home to be with my family,
I saw you complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be. But you didn't see me when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane,
I saw you yelling at your kids in the car. But you didn't see me pat my child's hand knowing she was safe behind me,
I saw you reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But you didn't see me squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn,
I saw you race down the road in the rain. But you didn't see me get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date,
I saw you run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time. But you didn't see me trying to turn right,
I saw you cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in, but you didn't see me leave the road. I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass. But you didn't see me.
I wasn't there . . .
I saw you go home to your family. But you didn't see me. Because I died that day you cut me off.
* * * * * *
I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family. But you didn't see me.
08 October 2010
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